Prayer Requests – Tuesday, May 7

  • Please pray for Pastor Bryan. He had his eye examined by an optometrist who determined that there is blood and fluid behind his eye causing the blurring. He was sent to an ophthalmologist who gave him the first in a series of injections to reduce the swelling and will refer him to a retina specialist.
  • Please pray for Nancy Blaisdell. Her pressure is in the desired range most of the time now and she is planning some of her usual activities this week, but her energy is not all back. Please pray for God's divine healing.
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Elise, who lives in a nursing facility. Praise! She is able to visit with her mother using an iPad! Please continue to pray that her needs are met promptly. Thank you for your prayers!
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Tom, who has brain cancer and is under hospice care. Please pray for his parents salvation and for comfort and peace for Tom. Thank you for your prayers
  • Prayers are appreciated for Gus, the Cannon's former neighbor. He has some days that are fine and other that are less so. Please pray for continued health, comfort and energy.
  • Please pray for Mel and Mary Hinz, for tasty meals and good appetites. 
  • Please pray for Phyllis Tilley's niece, Susan, who is paralyzed. She is spending time with her daughters who will be graduating and leaving for college too soon. Please pray peace, comfort and endurance for Susan, and her family. Thank you!
  • Please pray for the missed ones who were not in attendance last week, they could be out of town or not feeling well.  
  • Please pray for those who used to attend WHC and now do not.   
  • Please pray for salvation for Rick and Lyle, Rikki Hoenshelt's sons.
  • We are thankful for your dedicated prayers of salvation, softened hearts and sound minds for Gabriel, Clay, Victoria & Larry, dear family of George & Vanessa Ott. 
  • Please pray for the clients at Teen Challenge. For those who arrive to feel hope, accept comfort and ultimately receive the gift of salvation. Please pray also for the staff & volunteers who help in the program. 
  • Please pray for the Redeemed in Israel and the IDF soldiers, protection for their missions.
  • Please pray for the Christians in Nigeria, an intolerant country to any who have trust in Jesus.
  • Please pray for the Believers who live in Afghanistan. 
  • Please pray for the Faithful residing in China, who meet together quietly despite the possible persecution.  
  • Please pray for the Followers of Christ who live in Russia and Ukraine.
  • Please pray for those in our communities who are lost or troubled. 
  • Please pray for those that are homeless, for enough to eat and safety.
  • Please pray for our nation and the persons in charge.  
  • Please pray for our missionaries, their families and their missions to share the Good News.
  • The devoted prayers of salvation for family members of some in our congregation are valued.
  • Please pray we look for opportunities to bless others.   



  • More sunshine is coming! Hallelujah!
  • Glory! Glory! Spring color is abundant!
  • We are blessed with plenty of food! All Praise to God! 
  • Honor, Praise and Glory to our Lord! He is Mighty!