prayer requests – tuesday, March 26

  • Please be in prayer for Bill & Laura Juell's friends, Darcy and Ben, who have a newborn daughter, Claire, who is in the hospital, She is growing and gaining, however her breathing is not yet without assistance. She will hopefully be able to go home in April. Please pray for her overall health. 

  • Please pray for Nancy Blaisdell. Prayers for a return of all her energy would be appreciated. She is working on lowering her blood pressure and has more work to do. Please pray for God's divine healing.
  • Please pray for our missionaries to France, Randy & Jan. He is healing from a brain-bleed that takes many months to fully heal. Please pray for a complete recovery of his brain and eyesight. Prayers for Jan, of strength, peace and rest. Thank you for your many prayers!
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Elise, who lives in a nursing facility. Please pray for the quality of her care to improve. Thank you for your prayers!
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Tom, who has brain cancer and is under hospice care. Please pray he feels the Lord's presence and rests in His peace. Thank you for your prayers
  • Prayers are appreciated for Gus, the Cannon's former neighbor. His humor in his situation helps to keep him willing to do the exercises. Please pray for continued health, comfort and energy.
  • Please pray for Mel and Mary Hinz, for contentment and restful sleep.
  • Please pray for Phyllis Tilley's niece, Susan, who is paralyzed. She is preparing for her girls' high school graduation   coming mid-June. Please pray peace, comfort and endurance for Susan, and her family. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Please pray for the ones missing in our church family who may be unwell, or vacationing. 
  • Please pray for those who once regularly attended  WHC and have not returned.  
  • Please pray for salvation for Rick and Lyle, Rikki Hoenshelt's sons.
  • We are thankful for your dedicated prayers of salvation, softened hearts and sound minds for Gabriel, Clay, Victoria & Larry, dear family of George & Vanessa Ott. 
  • Please pray for the clients at Teen Challenge. For those who arrive to feel hope, accept comfort and ultimately receive the gift of salvation. Please pray also for the staff & volunteers who serve in the program. 
  • Please pray for the Christians in Israel and the IDF soldiers, doing what is necessary to protect their country.
  • Please pray for the Believers in Nigeria, a nation intolerant of any who profess faith in Jesus.
  • Please pray for the Faithful who live in Afghanistan. 
  • Please pray for the Followers of Christ living in China, who gather amid the threat of persecution.  
  • Please pray for the Redeemed living in Russia and Ukraine.
  • Please pray for those in our communities needing faith in our Lord. 
  • Please pray for the homeless men and women, as it is expected to be rainy early in the week, and colder nights later in the week. 
  • Please pray for our nation and those in roles of leadership.  
  • Please pray for our missionaries, their families and their missions to share the Good News.
  • The devoted prayers of salvation for family members of those in our church are valued.
  • Please pray we have our focus on our Heavenly Savior.   



  • Sunshine is forecasted for Easter weekend! Hallelujah!
  • Glory! Glory! Spring temperatures are coming!
  • We have much to be grateful for! All Praise to God! 
  • Honor, Praise and Glory to our Lord! He is our Salvation!