prayer requests – tuesday, january 30

  • Please pray for Linda's husband Ed. He was recently diagnosed with A-fib. Please pray comfort, healing and that he would feel God's presence and power and turn to Him.
  • Please continue prayers for Heidi's mom, Linda who has heart failure. She is being cared for in a Nursing Facility. Please pray for her health, healing and peace of mind. Your prayers are appreciated!
  • Please be in prayer for Bill & Laura Juell's friends, Darcy and Ben, whose newborn remains on a CPAP in NICU is 3 pounds now and may be able to go home in a month! Please pray she keeps growing well. 

  • Please pray for Nancy Blaisdell. She is making progress on lowering her blood pressure, but is not quite where her Dr would like her to be. Please pray for God's divine healing.
  • Please remain in prayer for our missionaries to France, Randy & Jan. He is still recovering from a brain-bleed. The reabsorption process and healing may take up to a year. Prayers for Jan, of strength, energy and rest. Thank you for your prayers!
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Elise. Please pray for healing, rest and peace. She seems more responsive. She is exceedingly tense most all the time. 
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Tom, who has brain cancer. Prayers for help and hope as he is losing his functions and has lost his independence. Thank you for praying!  
  • Prayers are needed for Gus, the Cannon's former neighbor. He is recovering slowly and still has his sense of humor.  Please pray for continued health, comfort and energy.
  • Please pray for Mel and Mary Hinz, for tasty meals and restful sleep.
  • Please pray for Phyllis Tilley's niece, Susan, who is paralyzed. She enjoys spending time with her husband and children. Please pray peace, comfort and endurance for Susan, and her family. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Please pray for those in our church family who have been absent due to illness, discomfort or travel. 
  • Please pray for the people we once saw regularly at WHC and have gone elsewhere.  
  • Please pray for salvation for Rick and Lyle, Rikki Hoenshelt's sons.
  • We are thankful for your dedicated prayers of salvation, safety and provision for Gabriel, Clay, Victoria & Larry, extended family of George & Vanessa Ott. 
  • Please pray for the clients at Teen Challenge. For those who arrive to feel hope, accept comfort and ultimately receive the gift of salvation. Please pray also for the staff & volunteers who serve in the program. 
  • Please pray for the Followers of Christ in Israel and the IDF soldiers, as they continue to protect their borders.
  • Please pray for the Redeemed in Nigeria, a country opposed to any who believe in Jesus.
  • Please pray for the Christians who live in Afghanistan. 
  • Please pray for the Believers residing in China, who brave persecution to gather with others.  
  • Please pray for the Faithful living in Russia and Ukraine.
  • Please pray for those in our communities that have yet to discover their need for Jesus. 
  • Please pray for the many homeless in our cities, as cold rain will be a part of the forecast this week. 
  • Please pray for our nation and those in leadership roles.  
  • Please pray for our missionaries, their families and their missions to share the Good News.
  • The devoted prayers of salvation for family members of those in our church are valued.
  • Please pray our faith grows ever stronger and we keep our focus on our Savior.   



  • Seeds are being hydrated, roots are forming and new growth is coming! Hallelujah!
  • Glory! Glory! Not every hour of the day will have rainfall!
  • We live in warm homes! All Praise to God! 
  • Honor, Praise and Glory to our Lord! He is Gracious!