prayer requests – tuesday, january 23

  • Please pray for Heidi's mom, Linda who has heart failure. She is living in a Nursing Facility now. Please pray for her health, healing and peace of mind. Your prayers are appreciated!
  • Please pray for Bill & Laura Juell's friends, Darcy and Ben, whose newborn has been hospitalized in NICU on a CPAP. She was born at one pound, but has grown to two and half pounds! Please pray she keeps growing well. 

  • Please pray for Nancy Blaisdell. She has another appointment scheduled with her Cardiologist in June/July. Please pray for God's divine healing.
  • Please remain in prayer for our missionaries to France, Randy & Jan. He is still healing from a brain-bleed. The reabsorption process takes many months. Prayers for Jan, of strength, energy and her schedule as she is the one driving at this time. Thank you for your prayers!
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Elise. Please pray for healing, rest and peace. Praise! She was a bit more responsive at the last visit! She remains extremely tense much of the day and night. 
  • Please pray for Kim's niece, Bobbi, for peace and comfort. Praise! She has been discharged from the hospital and is recovering at home. She and her husband Dane and family, are living on one income, since she is unable to work. Please pray also for their reticence in attending a church.  Thank you for praying!     
  • Prayers are needed for Gus, the Cannon's former neighbor. He heard it takes 3.5 times longer to fully heal for every year he has been in the hospital. He is focused on walking. Please pray for continued health, comfort and energy.
  • Please pray for Mel and Mary Hinz, for pleasant visits and good memories.
  • Please pray for Phyllis Tilley's niece, Susan, who is paralyzed. She eagerly awaits her daughters return to home and all they have to say about their time at school. Please pray peace, comfort and endurance for Susan, and her family. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Please pray for those in our church body who are not in attendance because of ailments, injury or a vacation. 
  • Please pray for the previous people we worshipped with at WHC and have left.  
  • Please pray for salvation for Rick and Lyle, Rikki Hoenshelt's sons.
  • We are grateful for your devoted prayers of salvation, safety and provision for Gabriel, Clay, Victoria & Larry, extended family of George & Vanessa Ott. 
  • Please pray for the clients at Teen Challenge. For those who arrive to feel hope, accept comfort and ultimately receive the gift of salvation. Please pray also for the staff & volunteers who help in the program. 
  • Please pray for the Redeemed in Israel and the many IDF soldiers, as they systematically destroy sections of the tunnel networks found under schools and hospitals.
  • Please pray for those from Lahaina, HI as many are deciding what to do.
  • Please pray for the Christians in Nigeria, a prejudiced nation against all who trust in Christ.
  • Please pray for the Believers who reside in Afghanistan. 
  • Please pray for the Faithful living in China, who meet very carefully despite the threat of persecution.  
  • Please pray for the Followers of Christ residing in Russia and Ukraine.
  • Please pray for the many people in our neighborhoods that have not accepted Jesus. 
  • Please pray for the homeless in our neighborhoods, as this week will be wet and therefore colder. 
  • Please pray for our country and the people in leadership.  
  • Please pray for our missionaries, their families and their efforts to spread the Gospel.
  • The dedicated prayers of salvation for loved ones of some in our church are appreciated.
  • Please pray we know in our minds and hearts that God hears our prayers and is always with us.   



  • Rivers, streams and creeks are getting full and His creation is well hydrated! Hallelujah!
  • Glory! Glory! The intense cold weather has passed!
  • Our lives are amply blessed! All Praise to God! 
  • Honor, Praise and Glory to our Lord! He is Patient!