prayer requests – Tuesday, August 20

  • Please be in prayer for Ed DeVange who has a number of tests he will undergo. Please pray the Drs would have wisdom and peace, and for Ed healing. Thank you for your prayers! 
  • Please keep Craig & Kristina's daughter, Abby, in your prayers. She has been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, a type of arthritic autoimmune disease. She has an appointment to talk to her specialist about her test results in two weeks. Please pray for her salvation, so she will feel the Lord's comfort when she is not able to have physical comfort here. All prayers are so appreciated.  
  • Please pray for Pastor Bryan. His eye is healing steadily. His next appointment will be Thursday, September 5th. Thank you for your prayers!  
  • Please pray for Nancy Blaisdell. Her energy level is very low. She will have an appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday, September 25th. She will be told whether or not she can have open heart surgery. Please pray for God's divine healing.
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Elise, who lives in a nursing facility. Please pray for her healing as she is currently in the hospital with pneumonia. Thank you for all the prayers!
  • Please pray for Kim's friend, Tom, who has brain cancer and is under hospice care. Please pray he knows the peace and comfort of God and his Mom and Dad see him and ask how he is so calm. Thank you for your prayers
  • Prayers are appreciated for Gus, the Cannon's former neighbor. He seems to be doing well at this time. Please pray for continued health, comfort and energy.
  • Please pray for Mel and Mary Hinz, for tasty meals and good friends.  
  • Please pray for Phyllis Tilley's niece, Susan, who is paralyzed. She is adapting to life without her daughters in the house. Please pray peace, comfort and emotional strength for Susan, and her family. Thank you!
  • Please pray for those who were not in attendance last Sunday, they were possibly not well, getting some overtime or traveling.
  • Please pray for the friends who have previously come regularly to WHC and no longer live in the area.     
  • Please pray for salvation for Rick and Lyle, Rikki Hoenshelt's sons.
  • We are grateful for your devoted prayers of salvation, softened hearts and sound minds for Gabriel, Clay, Victoria & Larry, dear family of George & Vanessa Ott. 
  • Please pray for the clients at Teen Challenge. For those who arrive to feel hope, accept comfort and ultimately receive the gift of salvation. Please pray also for the staff & volunteers who serve in the program. 
  • Please pray for the Redeemed in Israel as they live with the stress of war and for the IDF soldiers, as more war is expected.
  • Please pray for the Christians in Nigeriaa nation strongly opposed to any who believe in Jesus.
  • Please pray for the Believers who live in Afghanistan. 
  • Please pray for the Faithful residing in China, who must gather in worship cautiously.  
  • Please pray for the Followers of Christ who live in Russia and Ukraine.
  • Please pray for the parents and children in our neighborhoods who are spiritually lost and without hope.  
  • Please pray for the homeless, for enough to eat and clean water to drink.
  • Please pray for our country and all who are in leadership roles.  
  • Please pray for our missionaries, their families and their efforts to spread the Gospel.
  • The dedicated prayers of salvation for family members of those in our congregation are valued.
  • Please pray for ample quiet time to commune with our Lord.   



  • Another week in the 70's and a bit of rainfall, too! Hallelujah!
  • Glory! Glory! Great weather for being outdoors this week!
  • Ice cream, popsicles and refreshing smoothies! All Praise to God! 
  • Honor, Praise and Glory to our Lord! He is our Hope!