Whc weekly word – 10/08/20

Finding Jesus

Have you ever seen the movie, Forrest Gump?  Tom Hanks played Forrest and Gary Sinise played the character of Lieutenant Dan Taylor.  There is a scene in the movie when Lieutenant Dan asks Forrest, “Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?”  After hearing the question, Forrest had a look of confusion on his face and responded, “I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.” 

There are two things about this conversation that stand out to me.  One is based on some of the background of the character, Forrest.  It appears that he may already be saved and is well aware of who Jesus is and what he came for.  The other is that this comment made me wonder, how many people don’t have a desire to know God or Christ?  How many people don’t feel like they should be looking for Jesus at all? 

To know who God is has to start with a desire to know who God is.  What made you want to know Jesus better?  Was it something from within your heart that yearned for him?  Was it seeing his greatness all around you in the world and knowing that there had to be a God?  Were you in a crisis and knew that if there was indeed a God, now was a time that you needed him most?  Or did you see Jesus in someone else’s life?  Did you see an unexplainable joy, peace and happiness in someone else and wanted that for yourself?  We are all different.  We all have had different reasons to be connected to Jesus.  What was yours?  I ask this question because I want to know.  I’m curious.  At the end of this message, I’m going to ask you to consider sharing that with me.  Send me a quick email and if you are up to it, let me know what made you want to know Jesus better.

If someone ever asks you, let them know that there is no one way to find Jesus.  But know He wants to be found by you so much that he is looking for them too.  If it applies, he’s looking for you as well.  What follows are a few ideas on how to connect with Christ better.  These are some things you can tell someone who is searching for Jesus.  Have them start with prayer.

Tell them to ask Jesus to show them where to find Him in scripture or in their heart.  Even if they are unsure about Him, tell them to ask Him to reveal Himself in a way that they can be sure.  They should be honest in prayer.  They can freely let Him know that they are unsure.  They can let Him know that they want to know Him and they are looking for Him.

Prayer is simply talking honestly with God from your heart.  As they pray, they can tell Him their questions, thoughts, doubts, fears and hopes.  Encourage them while in prayer to have a conversation.  Sometimes we use God like a hospital and only come to him when we need him.  Just like an earthly father, our heavenly Father likes it when people come to talk to him and tell him how their life is going. 

Something else you can share with another is to learn more about what Jesus is like.  What is his character?  What is important to him?  Jesus is known as “The image of the invisible God”

(Colossians 1:15). When we look at Jesus we see the God who cannot be seen.  

Therefore, Jesus is God in the flesh.  The way he lived his life on earth was an example for us to follow.  Can you think of a negative example that you would raise a child to avoid doing that Jesus had done?  Me neither.  Imagine what the world would be like if we all not only followed Christ's example but taught his example to the next generation.

Encourage people you may know or meet to read the bible more.  Technology allows us many ways to not only read the bible, but to see it illustrated and or have it read to us.  In the bible we will find both his followers and opponents to God.  You will see many great and dedicated relationships with God through history.  Scripture is the most direct way to have an idea of who God is by looking at the person of Jesus.  Everything in scripture points to Jesus.

God gives you the freedom to choose him or reject him.  But if you choose him, then encourage people to know him.  Don’t just know about him, truly become acquainted with Him.  A bond that involves intellect only, with no heart, is no relationship at all. God wants you to know Him personally and have a connection with Him.

I could go on but I will close with this.  If you are not a Christian and you know Christians that seem to take things about God for granted, ask questions.  Talk with Christians and put them to the test.  Share with them what you don’t understand.  Let them know what does not make sense to you.  Ask those “Why” and Why not” questions.  If they don’t know or have the answer, give them a chance to find out.  No one knows all the answers.  But having Christ and his Holy Spirit lead in study and prayer will more than likely reveal the answers in His Word, the Bible.  Answers can be found to your most difficult questions.

Through time, you will more than likely have more questions.  That is good.  That means that you are trying to get to know Jesus better.  For those of you who do know Christ, back to my question.  What made you want to know Jesus better?  You can send that answer to my email here at WHC.  Have a great week and I hope to see you all soon.


In Christ,



whc weekly word – 10/08/20

Finding Jesus

Have you ever seen the movie, Forrest Gump?  Tom Hanks played Forrest and Gary Sinise played the character of Lieutenant Dan Taylor.  There is a scene in the movie when Lieutenant Dan asks Forest, “Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?”  After hearing the question, Forest had a look of confusion on his face and responded, “I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.” 

There are two things about this conversation that stand out to me.  One is based on some of the background of the character, Forest.  It appears that he may already be saved and is well aware of who Jesus is and what he came for.  The other is that this comment made me wonder, how many people don’t have a desire to know God or Christ?  How many people don’t feel like they should be looking for Jesus at all? 

To know who God is has to start with a desire to know who God is.  What made you want to know Jesus better?  Was it something from within your heart that yearned for him?  Was it seeing his greatness all around you in the world and knowing that there had to be a God?  Were you in a crisis and knew that if there was indeed a God, now was a time that you needed him most?  Or did you see Jesus in someone else’s life?  Did you see an unexplainable joy, peace and happiness in someone else and wanted that for yourself?  We are all different.  We all have had different reasons to be connected to Jesus.  What was yours?  I ask this question because I want to know.  I’m curious.  At the end of this message, I’m going to ask you to consider sharing that with me.  Send me a quick email and if you are up to it, let me know what made you want to know Jesus better.

If someone ever asks you, let them know that there is no one way to find Jesus.  But know He wants to be found by you so much that he is looking for them too.  If it applies, he’s looking for you as well.  What follows are a few ideas on how to connect with Christ better.  These are some things you can tell someone who is searching for Jesus.  Have them start with prayer.

Tell them to ask Jesus to show them where to find Him in scripture or in their heart.  Even if they are unsure about Him, tell them to ask Him to reveal Himself in a way that they can be sure.  They should be honest in prayer.  They can freely let Him know that they are unsure.  They can let Him know that they want to know Him and they are looking for Him.

Prayer is simply talking honestly with God from your heart.  As they pray, they can tell Him their questions, thoughts, doubts, fears and hopes.  Encourage them while in prayer to have a conversation.  Sometimes we use God like a hospital and only come to him when we need him.  Just like an earthly father, our heavenly Father likes it when people come to talk to him and tell him how their life is going. 

Something else you can share with another is to learn more about what Jesus is like.  What is his character?  What is important to him?  Jesus is known as “The image of the invisible God”

(Colossians 1:15). When we look at Jesus we see the God who cannot be seen.  

Therefore, Jesus is God in the flesh.  The way he lived his life on earth was an example for us to follow.  Can you think of a negative example that you would raise a child to avoid doing that Jesus had done?  Me neither.  Imagine what the world would be like if we all not only followed Christ's example but taught his example to the next generation.

Encourage people you may know or meet to read the bible more.  Technology allows us many ways to not only read the bible, but to see it illustrated and or have it read to us.  In the bible we will find both his followers and opponents to God.  You will see many great and dedicated relationships with God through history.  Scripture is the most direct way to have an idea of who God is by looking at the person of Jesus.  Everything in scripture points to Jesus.

God gives you the freedom to choose him or reject him.  But if you choose him, then encourage people to know him.  Don’t just know about him, truly become acquainted with Him.  A bond that involves intellect only, with no heart, is no relationship at all. God wants you to know Him personally and have a connection with Him.

I could go on but I will close with this.  If you are not a Christian and you know Christians that seem to take things about God for granted, ask questions.  Talk with Christians and put them to the test.  Share with them what you don’t understand.  Let them know what does not make sense to you.  Ask those “Why” and Why not” questions.  If they don’t know or have the answer, give them a chance to find out.  No one knows all the answers.  But having Christ and his Holy Spirit lead in study and prayer will more than likely reveal the answers in His Word, the Bible.  Answers can be found to your most difficult questions.

Through time, you will more than likely have more questions.  That is good.  That means that you are trying to get to know Jesus better.  For those of you who do know Christ, back to my question.  What made you want to know Jesus better?  You can send that answer to my email here at WHC.  Have a great week and I hope to see you all soon.


In Christ,

